
Finally, a B2B database you can trust.

Hunter's unmatched data quality meets B2B prospecting.

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Your entire prospecting workflow inside Hunter.

Hunter Discover is a comprehensive B2B database. With its powerful market segmentation features, you can quickly surface qualified companies based on the attributes of your ideal customers.

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Trusted by leading companies.

All you need from a B2B database, plus Hunter's reliability.

End-to-end workflow

Find relevant companies, get their contact information, and reach out – without paying for other tools.

Market segmentation

Use industry, firmographic, and technographic filters to narrow down your target market.

Company-level signals

If you’re after high-ticket accounts, you can follow them to know exactly when to reach out.

Built-in intent data

Surface the most valuable prospects using intent-based data filters.

Easy ICP tracking

Get a stream of relevant companies by saving and tracking your ICP search criteria.

Global coverage

Fill your pipeline, no matter where you’re operating.

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A B2B database contains various types of information about businesses and their employees and lets you use segmentation variables to find relevant companies with specific attributes. The quality of the database is determined by the accuracy and completeness of the B2B information it contains. Using market segmentation filters, you can leverage a B2B database like Hunter Discover to look up businesses that align with your ideal customer profile.

To find qualified companies with Hunter Discover, start by specifying the attributes of your ideal customer. Company Discovery lets you filter by:

  • Headquarters location,
  • Industry (you can choose from among 487 industries),
  • Headcount,
  • Keywords (a very flexible way to search – each company in Hunter Discover is indexed with multiple keywords) and
  • technologies used.

Use these filters to find companies that align with your ideal customer profile, then find the associated email addresses using the Domain Search.

After you configure your search in Hunter Discover, you can manually select the companies you want to contact or choose all results in bulk.

You can then look up the email addresses associated with your chosen companies by configuring a Bulk Domain Search.

No, you are free to search Company Discovery until you’re satisfied with your combination of filters. The only limit to using the product is tied to the number of email addresses you can get for the companies you identify. -> No, you are free to use Hunter Discover until you’re satisfied with your combination of filters. The only limit to using the product is tied to the number of email addresses you can get for the companies you identify.

Yes! When you conclude your search, you can export a CSV file with information about the companies you found.
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